The Provision of Use & Work Equipment Regulations – 5th December 1998.

Regulation 2 – Interpretation.

Work equipment includes:
Hand tools – hammers, saws.
Single machines – circular saws, dumper trucks.
Lifting equipment – cranes, MEWP’s, lifting slings, FLT’s.
Other equipment – ladders, pressure water cleaners.
Installation – enclosure for providing sound insulation, scaffolding.

Regulation 4 – Suitability of Work Equipment (WE).

1. Must be suitable and sufficient for work it’s designed to do.
2. Used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Assessment made of location in which WE is going to be used.
4. Selection of WE – consider ergonomic risks.
5. Energy used / produced must be able to be supplied and removed safely.

Regulation 5 – Maintenance.

1. Employers to ensure WE – maintained in good working condition.
2. Maintenance logs to be kept up to date (if applicable) – required for high risk equipment.
3. Maintenance frequency depends on the following:
use and max working limits.
operating environment.
type of operations.
risks to H&S due to malfunction.
4. Agreement made between person hiring and hire company as to who will carry out safety related maintenance.
5. Maintenance carried out by competent person.

Regulation 6 – Inspection.

1. If safety of WE depends on installation conditions – inspected:
before first use.
at new site or location.
2. WE exposed to conditions affecting H & S -inspected:
at suitable intervals.
each time conditions have occurred.
3. Inspections carried out – to be recorded.
4. Carried out when Risk Assessment (RA) identifies significant risk – potential for major injury.
5. Depending on WE – inspection could be:
simple visual inspection.
detailed inspection – dismantling / testing.
6. Safety related areas – ASLI’s, limit switches, interlocks, protection devices, controls – inspected / tested.
7. Competent persons determine frequency he/she should:
know what to look at.
know what to look for (fault finding).
know what to do.

Regulation 7 – Specific Risks.

1. WE involving specific risks to H & S – use restricted to those given task of using it.
2. Repairs, modifications, maintenance, servicing restricted to persons designated for task.
3. Designated persons must have received adequate training.
4. Specific risks controlled by:
eliminating the risk.
physical measures – guards.
safe systems of work.
information, instruction, training.

Regulation 8 – Information and Instruction.

1. Employers to ensure H & S information and/ or written instructions provided.
2. Supervisors provided with H & S information /instructions.
3. Information/instruction must be comprehensible/ legible and could include:
instruction sheets.
instruction placards.
warning labels.
training manuals.
4. Manufactures must provide sufficient information to allow safe operation of WE.

Regulation 9 – Training.

1. Employees/Supervisors/Managers must receive adequate training.
2. Training required:
on recruitment.
when risks change due to change in working tasks.
if new technology or WE is introduced.
if system of work changes.
3. Particular attention given to needs of young people – specific RA required.

Regulation 10 – Conformity with Community Requirements.

1. WE provide after 31 Dec 92 must have EC Declaration of conformity when first provided.
2. If appropriate check WE has CE mark.
Regulation 11 – Dangerous Parts of Machinery.

1. Prevent access to dangerous parts / zones.
2. RA carried out – hierarchy of control measures:
fixed guards.
interlock guards.
protection jigs, push sticks.
information, instruction, training, supervision.

Regulation 12 – Protection against Specified Hazards.

1. Employees protected from:
articles / substances ejected from WE.
disintegration of parts of WE.
WE catching fire, over heating or exploding.
2. Abrasive wheels: run within max RPM, guards provided, provision of information, instruction and training for those changing wheels.

Regulations 14, 15, 16 – Controls for Starting, Stopping and Emergency Stop.

1. WE must not start inadvertently.
2. ‘Hold to run’ devices must stop WE on release.
3. Start controls should have shrouding.
4. Stop controls should take priority over start controls.
5. WE provided with emergency stop if necessary due to hazards.
6. Emergency stops – suitably positioned.

Regulations 17,18 – Controls & Control Systems.

1. WE controls to be clearly visible with appropriate marking.
2. Controls should always be in line of sight.
3. Failure of control systems (speed limiters, interlock devices) – lead to ‘fail-safe’ condition.

Regulation 19 – Isolation from Sources of Energy.

1. WE must be isolated when being maintained or dealing with failure / breakdown.
2. Inadvertent reconnection prevented (removal of electric plug, lock-off procedures).

Regulation 20 – Stability.

1. WE must be stable – bolting, clamping, tying, and stabilizing.
2. Tying of ladders and use of outriggers for mobile WE are given specific mention.

Regulation 21 – Lighting.
1. Suitable and sufficient lighting provided depending on operation undertaken and WE being used.

Regulation 22 Maintenance Operations.

1. Ensure WE can be maintained safely – measures taken to protect maintenance personnel.
2. WE should be switched off / isolated – if not then limit movement, provision of temporary guards.
3. Provision of PPE, instruction and supervision.

Regulation 23 – Markings.

1. WE suitably marked for reasons of H & S i.e.:
start, stop, emergency stop controls.
max RPM of abrasive wheels.
SWL of Lifting Equipment.
mains services colour coded to indicate contents.
2. Markings should conform to Health and Safety ( Safety, Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 and BS 5378 (re symbols, colour, and shape).

Regulation 24 – Warnings.

1. Warnings or warning devices used where risks to H & S remain, i.e.:
permits to work.
notices – ‘hard hats to be worn’.
warning lights / sirens (vehicles reversing).
ASLI activating.

Regulation 25 – Employees carried on Mobile Work Equipment (MWE).

1. Protected from falling out, and from unexpected movement.
2. Seats provided for security and safety – site dumpers.
3. Falling Objects Protective Structures provided if risk from falling objects.
4. Restraining system – if there’s a risk of overturning.
5. Speed limiters may be required to ensure safe operating speeds.
6. Guards / barriers fitted to prevent contact with wheels / tracks if there’s a foreseeable risk (guardrails / fenders).

Regulation 26 – Rolling over of MWE.
1. Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS) fitted to MWE to minimise risk of injury due to 180° roll over.
2. If MWE cannot roll more than 90° (due to its design) ROPS are not required.
3. ROPS not required if it increases risks – i.e. entry to buildings with low roofs.
4. Restraining systems (seatbelts / harnesses) provided when risk of operator falling out.

Regulation 27 – Over turning of FLT’s.

1. Vertical masted FLT prevented from over turning more than 90° – ROPS not required.
2. Telehandler can roll 180° – ROPS required.

Regulation 28 – Self Propelled Work Equipment (SPWE).

1. Unauthorised start up must be prevented – control of keys.
2. Suitable braking mechanism – where risk dictates, emergency brakes maybe required.
3. Devices may be required to improve driver’s field of vision:
fresnel lenses.
4. If being used in poor light – suitable lighting provided on machine.
5. Fire fighting equipment provided where escape from SPWE cannot be achieved easily (tower crane).

Regulation 37 Transitional Provision.

1. Requirements of Regulations 25 – 30 don’t apply to WE provided for use before 5 Dec 1998.
2. Must fully comply by 5 Dec 2002.